About Maya

Maya Daniels, USA Today Bestselling and multi award winning fiction author, is a fun-loving woman with a resting b*t*h face and many talents. She traveled the world gaining life experiences that helped her career as an investigative journalist, as well as her storytelling. Maya writes compelling tales of magic, truth, and romance with snarky female characters; much like herself. Her travels have taken her to Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and America. Born with her feet in motion, she currently resides in Ohio, spinning her next epic story that you will not want to put down. Her biggest ‘sins’ are her love of chocolate and coffee-through an IV drip! One to never sit still, Maya practices Reiki healing, reads about the arcane, talks to furry creatures more than humans, picks up a sledge hammer for home improvement, and travels with her family seeking her own next adventure. She loves talking to her readers, so feel free to reach out to her.